Customer Photos
Come and see what Natural Inspirations Parrot Cage Owners are doing and
saying about our products. The creativity and dedication to making
interesting and fullfilling environments for their parrots is easy to
see in these photos. As you browse, grab some great ideas seen here for
your birds at home, or email me your photos to show off your own
innovative ideas. Thanks to all of our wonderful contributors and
their photographic feathered friends!
"Hi Karrie, Here are a couple of quick photos. They love the
8' rope! Me too. I'll get more photos for you soon".
-Ann Brooks, Phoenix Landing.
(photos coming soon!) "My husband and I bought two
of your large ropes and two sets of your 2x4 holders at the bird fair in
Raleigh on May 28th. We just wanted to let you know that the 2x4
holders are the best toy we have ever purchased for our umbrella
cockatoo. Our greenwing, Jax, is chewing
a little, but our umbrella, Kyla, has decimated two 2x4s in the past
week! It's awesome to have something she loves so much (chewing wood!)
and such an affordable way to provide it for her. Both birds
really love the ropes, too (but our umbrella is chewing on hers, too, of
course!). If you have a mailing list for your store, please add us to
it. And if you ever need a testimonial, let us know. Two huge
thumbs' up!"
Sheree Cameron, Esq

Male and Female Eclectus Parrots on a 2"
rope African Grey on a 2" rope
Karrie, I can't say enough about your
2x4 holders and rope swings. The quality is excellent and the birds
absolutely love them! Thanks for making such great products.
- Tammi Kraynak, Parrot Hope Rescue

Female Eclectus with on 2x4
Harlequin Macaw on 2x4 perch 
Umbrella Cockatoo on a 2" parrot rope in the aviary
Project Perry, Virginia Parrot Sanctuary


Dawn Martine, Parrot Education, Adoption, and Rehoming League
"I love the ropes you make for the birds. They hold up very very well in the weather. My cockatoos and macaws here tried chewing them up but no luck yet. They look very natural outside in the Aviary. You carry wonderful, well made, long lasting products. Thank you."
- Christine Biederman, director of Wings of Love Parrot Rescue

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tall Grass Parrot Sanctuary, Kansas
The Gabriel Foundation, Denver Colorado. They love the walk-in aviaries, ropes, and 2x4 holders!
Dee, Mardens Ark

Lara Joseph's screened in back yard for her parrots; Rico,
Rocky, and Murray

Not just for birds! Monkey, monkey, monkey fun too...
